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A message from the president

March 31, 2023

Dear SASS Colleagues:

RE:       Registration for Conference Hotel is Urgent

I am writing to ask you to register for your hotel room in the conference hotel at our upcoming meeting in Austin, TX by Monday, April 3rd.

SASS has made a contract with the Otis Hotel and Hotel AC for the conference, April 20-22. The contract guarantees that SASS members can reserve a reasonably priced room during the conference. 

The SASS room rate provides a thirty percent discount on the Otis and AC Hotels’ regular room rate. The SASS room rate is $100 to $150 below the $300-$400 price point for hotel rooms in Austin at this time of the year. SASS delivers a terrific savings for members. 

SASS contracts with hotels for our conference because it is the best way to guarantee the availability of inexpensive rooms for members at the conference. But the contract requires members’ support. 

If SASS fails to meet the minimum number of rooms in our contract, the hotel will charge SASS for falling short of the minimum. This charge can range from thousands of dollars to twenty thousand dollars. 

At least fifty SASS conference participants have not registered for a room at the conference hotel.  

The hotel’s deadline for determining whether we have met our minimum number of rooms is Monday, April 3rd.

Please register for your hotel stat at the fast-approaching SASS conference in Austin before next Monday, April 13

Many thanks for your attention to my request!


Andrew Nestingen
