SASS 2025: Minneapolis
April 24-26, 2025
Call for Streams: September 10, 2024
Call for Papers: December 1, 2024
Registration: April 1, 2025
Benjamin Bigelow (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Rosemary Erickson Johnsen (University of Minnesota, Crookston)
Dag Blanck (Uppsala University/Augustana College)
Natalie Van Deusen (University of Alberta)
Jordan Barger (University of Iowa)
Minneapolis Marriott City Center
BOOK NOW – Minneapolis Marriott City Center
Single $209 | Double $209
The SASS 2025 conference will be in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Minneapolis Marriott City Center from April 24-26th. The presidential theme of this SASS meeting is LOCATION.
Location is a central theme to all our work. Between Literature, Linguistics, History, Area Studies, and Indigenous Studies, location is often the first consideration, inseparable from questions of positionality, context, and identity. A central reflection with this theme is how our own discipline engages with location. Do North American Scandinavianists approach the questions at hand differently than their Scandinavian colleagues? Are there different reasons for why the questions are asked? Critical engagement with location makes us reconsider concepts like locale and place.
The organizing committee encourages submissions that explore the dimensions of location in Nordic culture, film, history, language, and/or literature. Other topics and approaches are also welcome.
Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada (AASSC)
In line with this year’s conference theme of “Location,” this stream will investigate and explore the ways that the location of Canada matters in terms of Nordic studies. In particular, we invite papers to this stream that explore intersections between the Nordic regions and Canada, including Nordic-Canadian culture studies, Canadian approaches to Nordic stud- ies, and Arctic and circumpolar studies. Possible foci for presentations and panels include:
Nordic migration to Canada; the formation of ethnic and/or intereth- nic communities in Canada
Nordic experiences with settler colonialism in Canada
Dialogues on Indigenous experiences in Canada and the Nordic regions
Canadian approaches to Nordic studies
Conceptualisations, depictions, and manifestations of “the North” in Canadian and Nordic culture and society, including reflections onissues on nature, of the environment, the Arctic, as well as questions of urbanity and rurality
The “state of the field” of Nordic studies in Canadian universities
Cultural sustainability, and cultural and social needs for Nordic ethnic communities in Canada today
We encourage participation in critical discourses that respond to or chal- lenge the jurisdictions and categorisations of Canadian Nordic studies, particularly through the complications of localities — conceptual, so- cial, political, and geographical. Accordingly, this stream complicates the monolithic nature of Nordic studies in North America, and looks toward more purposefully recognizing the discursive differences that have emerged over the past several years between Canadian- and U.S.-based Nordic studies.
Questions regarding this stream can be directed to: Natalie Van Deusen ( and Trygve Ugland (
The great waves of emigration from Scandinavia to the Unites States ended with the implementation of Immigration Act of 1924. The experiences of the Scandinavian emigrants in their new locations have been extensively explored and are a part of the national canon. Emigration research has moreover focused on the United States as a receiving country and the Scandinavian influences on American societal development, such as the influential conception that states with a higher population of Scandinavian descendants have higher levels of social trust and associated benefits.
Although the emigration issue was one of the most contentious issues in Scandinavian societies at the time, evident in the public discourse and official initiatives to stem the flow of citizens leaving, there has been relatively little research on the impact on the sending countries. This stream aims to explore how the exodus of up to 25% of the population had political and cultural implications on the Scandinavian/exiting countries and the places left behind. The possibility of exit became a powerful voice of discontent that amplified the voices of those who remained and became a catalyst for change. The stream furthermore seeks to examine the exchange and flows of ideas between the US and Scandinavia and the ongoing dialogue between the two locations and how the exchanges helped to usher in societal changes in Scandinavia at the turn of the century.
The stream will explore the impact and changes brought on by emigration across disciplinary boundaries.
Questions regarding this stream can be directed to: Kristina Tomlinson Ting (
Studies examining location tend to be topophilic because they normally signal a commitment to foregrounding the perceived virtues of place: connection, community, and identity. Similarly, “emplacement” as a critical method typically signals a commitment to historical realities, authentic experience, and archival evidence that works to undo prescriptive ideologies and the abstraction of theory. Something is imagined to be recovered by turning to the idea of location.
But what of unease with place? Robert Tally calls this mode of dis-location topophrenia, thereby intending to capture not the outright fear of place (that would be topophobia) but instead an awareness of the contingency of inhabitation. He wants the term to convey “a certain identifiable ‘place-mindedness’ that informs our activities and thinking” (Topophrenia, 23), one that with its medical suffix comes close to signaling disorder or disease but should more properly be used to describe experiences of dis-ease. Freudian notions of Unbehagen and the Unheimlich are clearly in play for Tally, as is the idea of “not-thriving” (vantrivsel).
This stream calls for papers that engage with literature, film, drama, and media and/or cultural practices that are interested in a negative “place-mindedness”: depictions of being uneasy or out of place, of haunting’s temporal competition for place, or of spatial mobility (such as exile or migration) experienced as dis-location. What do each of these negations of topophilic ideas of location say about the sense of attachment that is missing?
Questions regarding this stream can be directed to: Mark Sandberg ( and Olivia Gunn (
Norwegian immigrants who settled in the American Upper-Midwest during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries brought with them a rich tradition of both art and folk music for diverse purposes, including choral singing, congregational hymnody, dance and celebratory music, and concert repertoire. These immigrants established several institutions of higher learning, ensuring that their artistic traditions would be cultivated and shared with later generations. Key figures of Norwegian descent have had nation-wide influence on musical styles up to the present day, while collaborations between Norwegian citizens and the descendants of Norwegian-American immigrants continue to make vibrant contributions to the musical landscape of both urban areas and small towns across the prairies and woodlands of the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Although the circumstances of everyday life experienced by Norwegian immigrants were often very different from those of their counterparts in Norway, music has remained a thread that binds together those who left their homeland and those who stayed behind, giving individuals living on both sides of the ocean today a common point on which to build modern relationships.
This thematic stream will underscore the contributions Norwegians have made to music since the nineteenth century while highlighting the contributions immigrants made to cultural life and society, especially in the Upper Midwest of the United States. Tracing those contributions and studying cross-cultural influences will serve as the bases for assessing the indelible impact they have on Norwegian and Norwegian-American composers throughout the twentieth century and today.
Questions regarding this stream can be directed to: Marla Fogderud,
This stream welcomes papers, lecture-recitals, and full recitals that focus on themes of Nordic musical identity. With the ever growing prominence of a global awareness of contemporary Nordic musical composition, much of which is supported contemporarily by the Council of Nordic Composers, we would like to encourage the submission of themes that approach a multidisciplinary view. Topics including historical musicology, ethnomusicology, contemporary performance practice and specified composition are all encouraged to submit to this stream. The following composers have significant anniversaries this year, and will be given particular consideration:
Bernhard Henrik Crusell (1775-1838)
Georg Gerson (1790-1825)
Johan Peter Emilius Hartmann (1805–1900)
Andreas Hallén (1846–1925)
Peter Erasmus Lange-Müller (1850–1926)
Erkki Melartin (1875–1937)
Uuno Klami (1900–61)
Karl Ottó Rúnólfsson (1900-1970)
William Heinesen (1900-1991)
Magnús Blöndal Jóhannsson (b. 1925)
Aullis Sallinen (b. 1935)
Outi Tarkiainen (b. 1985)
If proposing a lecture-recital or full-recital, please detail the compositions, the performers, and the performers biographies.
Questions regarding this stream can be directed to: Colin Levin ( and Kathleen Roland-Silverstein
Sponsored by the Ibsen Society of America (ISA)
All proposed papers relevant to Ibsen studies will be considered for the Annual Ibsen Society of America (ISA) panel at SASS. The ISA panel aims to support the field of Ibsen studies by showcasing cutting edge research on Ibsen from a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Proposals for sharing new research on Ibsen and “movement,” as well as proposals guided by other themes and approaches, are welcome. Within Ibsen studies, “movement” could refer to manifestations of Ibsen on global and local stages, the dynamics of theatrical practices, adaptation, the sociopolitics and history of drama and performance, and more. Papers in Ibsen studies not selected will be considered for other relevant streams and panels at SASS.
Questions regarding this panel can be directed to: Olivia Gunn (
Click here to view the draft schedule: Minneapolis program
Gunlög Fur (Linnæus University)
Nordic Settler Dreams and Ojibwe Survivance on the Mille Lacs Reservation
Taking the theme of locations literally, this talk takes a look at struggles on the Mille Lacs Ojibwe Reservation in central Minnesota, when Nordic settlers (most of them Swedish) sought to realize their dreams of land, almost for free, while Ojibwe people creatively and desperately used available means to hold on to their place in the world. During the decades around the turn of the century 1900, Indian reservations were opened for non-Indigenous settlement and in less than a generation, scores of Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, and later Finnish migrants took the opportunity to settle on Indigenous land, while Indigenous peoples saw much that was familiar crumble. Many Nordics, like Fredrika Bremer in 1848, envisioned Minnesota a “a New Scandinavia,” and actively set about making it so by fencing, farming, irrigating, building, logging, railroading on land, lakes, and rivers that were home to Ojibwe, Dakota, and many other peoples. This talk focuses on when one Mille Lacs chief, Me-ge-see, brought a Swedish settler to court for illegal settlement. Building on Swedish, American, and Ojibwe sources, I seek to place Swedish settlement, and Ojibwe struggles to defend their land in the context of rapid challenges within an emerging Indigenous-Immigrant borderland. It offers an invitation to tie threads of experiences together into a weave that exposes responsibilities and lasting entanglements in this history of crisis and change in the American heartland.
Click on an image to learn more
Conference Hotel
Minneapolis Marriott City Center
Minneapolis Marriott City center is in a prime location in downtown Minneapolis, MN, close to the Target Center and the Minneapolis Convention Center. Walk through the climate-controlled skyway, all year round, accessed directly from the hotel.
SASS Rates: $209/night plus local taxes and fees
Rooms must be booked through the link below BEFORE 5pm CST on April 3, 2025 to qualify for the SASS rate.
Book Here:
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Getting Around Minneapolis (Coming Soon)
Info Coming Soon
Call for Streams
Deadline: September 10, 2023
In anticipation of the general call for papers for the 113th Annual Meeting of the Society of the Advancement of Scandinavian Study in Minneapolis at the Minneapolis Marriott City Centre, April 24-26, 2025, the conference program committee encourages proposals for thematic streams.
The program committee encourages proposals related to the overall conference theme, “Location”, but welcomes all proposals from the broad field of Scandinavian Studies.
Please submit stream proposals via the link below no later than September 10, 2024. Approved streams, workshops, panels, and roundtables will be communicated to chairs, published on the website, and published in the next issue of News & Notes (late September 2024)
Questions related to streams and stream proposals can be directed to Rosemary Johnsen at
What is a thematic stream?
A thematic stream consisting of a series of panels, tied together by a common topic, offered sequentially within the overall conference framework. Streams provide a greater degree of cohesion than might occur in a single conference panel and have for many participants provided a more sustainable and satisfactory conference experience. They are well suited for finding international colleagues working on similar topics, and for working towards a joint publication (Scandinavian Studies and others). The list of thematic streams will be published together with the general call for papers on October 15, 2024, at which point the stream chair(s) can aid the program committee in recruiting, reviewing, and organizing the stream.
All proposals must include an abstract of no more than 250 words and the name of the stream organizer(s). The stream organizer(s) will be responsible for the internal organization and communication with all presenters, as well as for communication with the program committee.
Call for Papers
Deadline: December 1, 2024
Whether it is openly acknowledged or not, location is a concept that underlies almost all of the scholarly work we do. In fields such as literature, linguistics, history, area studies, and indigenous studies, location is often the first consideration, in- separable from questions of positionality, context, and identity.
An international conference such as SASS offers the opportunity to juxtapose work being done on similar topics from scholars who gather from a variety of locations, so papers and panels that draw attention to the geographical situatedness of scholarly work are especially encouraged. Pre-constituted panels, for instance, that are intentionally set up to include presenters representing diverse locations and institutional affiliations working on similar areas from their distinct perspectives, would be especially appreciated.
A central question raised by this theme is how our own discipline(s) engage with location. Do Scandinavianists working outside of the Nordic region approach research questions differently than their Scandinavian colleagues because they work in geographi- cally and culturally distinct locations? Are there empirical and/or theoretical differences? In what ways does Scandinavian studies scholarship on both sides of the Atlantic engage with each other? What are the consequences of foregrounding location in one’s own scholarship? What are the challenges or pitfalls of engaging with notions of “the local” within a field of discourse that increas- ingly conceives itself as transnational and even global? Are there assumptions that scholars working in Scandinavian, Nordic, or Arctic studies make about location that ought to be critiqued or reconsidered in the twenty-first century? How does digital tech- nology mediate and challenge conventional understandings of location? In what ways does an emphasis on the local persist in a digital age, despite the ability of digital communication technology to seemingly transcend the limitations of physical location? How do Scandinavian or Nordic media narratives– as well as media themselves–reimagine ideas about location in the contemporary world? How does contemporary scholarship in the SASS disciplines.
Papers and panels that do not explicitly engage with the presiden-tial theme are, naturally and as always at SASS, also welcome. Pre-constituted panels and roundtable submissions are welcome!