SASS 2025 : Minneapolis

# sass2025


April 24-26, 2025

Call for Streams |  Sept. 10, 2024
Call for Papers | Dec. 1, 2024
Registration | April 1, 2025


 Benjamin Bigelow  | University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Rosemary Johnsen | University of Minnesota-Crookston

Dag Blanck | Uppsala University/Augustana College

Jordan Barger | University of Iowa

Natalie Van Deusen | AASSC/University of Alberta

Contact the Organizers


Minneapolis Marriott City Center

Single $209 | Double $209

SASS rates available April 23 – 27, 2025

Book now (COMING SOON)

Sign-up for the grad student rooming list (COMING SOON)



The SASS 2025 conference will be in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Minneapolis Marriott City Center  from April 24-26th. The presidential theme of this SASS meeting is LOCATION.

Location is a central theme to all our work. Between Literature, Linguistics, History, Area Studies, and Indigenous Studies, location is often the first consideration, inseparable from questions of positionality, context, and identity. A central reflection with this theme is how our own discipline engages with location. Do North American Scandinavianists approach the questions at hand differently than their Scandinavian colleagues? Are there different reasons for why the questions are asked? Critical engagement with location makes us reconsider concepts like locale and place.

The organizing committee encourages submissions that explore the dimensions of location in Nordic culture, film, history, language, and/or literature. Other topics and approaches are also welcome.

Call for Streams

Deadline: September 10, 2023

In anticipation of the general call for papers for the 113th Annual Meeting of the Society of the Advancement of Scandinavian Study in Minneapolis at the Minneapolis Marriott City Centre, April 24-26, 2025, the conference program committee encourages proposals for thematic streams.

The program committee encourages proposals related to the overall conference theme, “Location”, but welcomes all proposals from the broad field of Scandinavian Studies.

Please submit stream proposals via the link below no later than September 10, 2024. Approved streams, workshops, panels, and roundtables will be communicated to chairs, published on the website, and published in the next issue of News & Notes (late September 2024)

Questions related to streams and stream proposals can be directed to Rosemary Johnsen at

What is a thematic stream? 

A thematic stream consisting of a series of panels, tied together by a common topic, offered sequentially within the overall conference framework. Streams provide a greater degree of cohesion than might occur in a single conference panel and have for many participants provided a more sustainable and satisfactory conference experience. They are well suited for finding international colleagues working on similar topics, and for working towards a joint publication (Scandinavian Studies and others). The list of thematic streams will be published together with the general call for papers on October 15, 2024, at which point the stream chair(s) can aid the program committee in recruiting, reviewing, and organizing the stream.

All proposals must include an abstract of no more than 250 words and the name of the stream organizer(s). The stream organizer(s) will be responsible for the internal organization and communication with all presenters, as well as for communication with the program committee.

Conference Hotel

Minneapolis Marriott City Center


Minneapolis Marriott City center is in a prime location in downtown Minneapolis, MN, close to the Target Center and the Minneapolis Convention Center. Walk through the climate-controlled skyway, all year round, accessed directly from the hotel.

SASS Rates: $209/night plus local taxes and fees

Rooms must be booked through the link below BEFORE 5pm CST on April 3, 2025 to qualify for the SASS rate.

Book Here:

Getting Around Minneapolis (Coming Winter 2024)

Info coming soon