One award of $2,500 will be given to the author of an outstanding non- fiction scholarly book on a Danish or Danish American topic. This award is made every other year, in odd years, for the two preceding calendar years. The next award will be made for non-fiction scholarly books on Danish and Danish American cultural and historical topics published in the calendar years 2022 and 2023. They should be original works that significantly advance scholarship and thinking in the field either by opening up new lines of inquiry or by consolidating existing ones at a high level of accomplishment.
Publishers and journal editors are invited to nominate books, but individual authors should feel free either to submit copies of books directly or ask their publisher or editor to do so. The application deadline for the 2025 DAHS Book Award is March 1, 2024, via the form on this website. Please direct any questions about the award process to committee chair Nete Schmidt at
Application Deadline: March 1st, 2024
ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible, nominated books must have been published during the two calendar years preceding the application deadline. Republished and self-published volumes are not eligible.
APPLICATION: The application form (ONE nomination per form) containing the author’s name, e-mail address, title of the book, name of publisher, publication date, a name and e-mail address for the relevant contact person at the publisher must be submitted online through the form below by August 1st.
In order for a book to be considered by the three-member DAHS Book Award Committee, a copy of the book must be sent to each of the committee members. Nominated books should be sent directly from the publishers/presses, authors, or agents to each committee member. If the list price of a book makes this a hardship, we ask the publisher for one hard copy (sent to the committee chair) and an electronic version of the book that can be distributed to committee members.
NOTIFICATION: Award decisions will be announced in late 2024 and the book selected for the award will be recognized in The Bridge in 2025.